9th, 10th and 11th July
Tickets are £5 for all and will be available on the door.
In a massive collaboration between the Music, Art and Drama Departments, as well as CCHS, we will be presenting the largest Lower School show ever seen!
Junior Drama proudly presents Bugsy Malone!
Loved by children and adults alike since it first appeared on screens in 1976, this musical gangster pastiche first gained attention through its unique concept of thrusting children into the typically adult roles of gangsters, policemen and speakeasy staff, before being adapted into a stage show in 1983. Since then, songs such as Fat Sam’s Grand Slam, Bad Guys, My Name is Tallulah and the eponymous Bugsy Malone, have remained popular thanks to their catchy tunes. The show follows boxing promoter, Bugsy, and his exploits through flirtation, rivalry, and revenge, accompanied by other well-known characters like Fat Sam, Blousey Brown, Dandy Dan, and, of course, the irrepressible Tallulah.
With splurge guns and cream pies a-plenty, you’d be an Ordinary Fool to miss this production!
Dandy Dan and his hoodlums are armed with their dreadful ‘splurge guns’, and Fat Sam and his hopeless gang are proving no match, as they’re armed only with old-fashioned pies.
Blousey Brown, a new girl in town, catches Bugsy’s eye the moment she enters the scene. Despite sheer determination to achieve her dreams as a singer, she, just like Fizzy, is repeatedly told to ‘come back tomorrow’. Following another rejection at the Bijoux Theatre, Bugsy lends a willing shoulder to cry on and helps get her a job at Fat Sam’s Speakeasy. But, romance is never easy in the world of musicals and, in this one, it’s Tallulah who takes a shine to Bugsy.
After some unfortunate timing and manipulative behaviour by Tallulah, Bugsy is left pleading innocence to a very angry Blousey.
Meanwhile, Fat Sam’s gang of half-wits are almost entirely wiped out leaving only Knuckles, his loyal but brainless follower. Fat Sam tries to fashion his own replica Splurge gun...with disastrous consequences. In need of a more sophisticated plan, Fat Sam calls upon Bugsy to help defend his Speakeasy, the liveliest joint in town.
After a chance meeting with Leroy, the next champion boxer, the search for back-up begins. Armed with a gang of ’Down and Outs’ from a local soup kitchen, they return to Fat Sam’s.
In this final scene, much to Blousey’s amazement, Bugsy gives her a pair of tickets to Hollywood…as they wait for the grand showdown to begin!
Surely one of the most exciting parts of ‘Bugsy’ is that of the ‘splurger’, Anyone who has watched the film will know how impressive the splurge scenes are. A little bit of trivia was that they were all faked! The simple splurge guns in the film didn’t fire ‘splurge’. Director Alan Parker did try wax balls filled with cream but these hurt when fired. So, in the end, it was ping pong balls which the actors fired followed by a cascade of cream thrown by the crew onto the actors. For our production, we wanted to stay faithful to the slapstick, nonsense and chaotic fun of it all. There are many (many!) forums dedicated to creating that splurge effect and they range from the complex (gas powered) to the simple (shaving foam on plates). We use a can of ‘Avalanche Spray’ which leaves nothing but a slight damp patch. On that note, the cast have made half hearted promises not to splurge too many of you in the audience….I’m unsure if I trust them….my advice, don’t sit next to any teachers.
Act One
Bugsy Malone: Bangles, Loretta & Dotty
Fat Sam’s Grand Slam: Tallulah And Company
Tomorrow: Fizzy
Bad Guys:: Fat Sam’s Gang
I’m Feeling Fine: Blousey
Bugsy Malone (Reprise): Blousey
Act Two
My Name Is Tallulah: Tallulah and Girls
So You Wanna Be A Boxer: Cagey Joe and Company
Ordinary Fool: Blousey
Down & Out:Bugsy and Company
Fat Sam’s Grand Slam (Reprise): Tallulah and Company
You Give A Little Love: Company
Fat Sam’s Grand Slam (Finale): Company

Cast Rosie Schofield Freya Kelsbie Dasuni Abeyratne Izzy Eyeles Max Grice Max Clifford James Thompson Kristoff Ahlner Nick Gardner Dharma-Dev Morzaria Joe Folley Nikhil Shah Jasper Tatum Shayun Dhokia Ayo Adekaiyero Eliott Bunch Ben Metzger Harry Walton Nick Speed Sam Jones Arnav Dutta Dillon Sandhu Edward Robb Adam Heath Aiden Hollingworth Harrison Mitchell